Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

Trying to kill myself

I am so darn bored today and I've decided to try out something brand new to put into my blog. I. Am. Going. To. Rant... in English.

Now please note that my English is crap and yes, I am that bored that I've decided to kill myself. You'll get what I mean when you read on.

It's been around a two months since I created this blog and truth to be told, I've never updated blogs as regularly as this. And I've been blog-walking around quite often too. (for those who doesn't understand the term, "blog-walking" is basically going around reading blogs on the internet).

After going to several blogs; I've noticed that some of the blogs I read are simply... stupid, disturbing, gag-worthy, and a waste-of-my-time-to-even-wait-for-it-to-load.

I've classified these blogs into three types:
  1. The infamous emo blog.
  2. The "I'm so smart" blog.
  3. The retarded otaku blog.
First, the emo blog.

As annoying as normal emo blogs can be, nothing beats the INDONESIAN emo blog--written in crap English.

These blogs' entries have no purpose at all besides to say that "hey my life is so sad". I understand that some people want to tell the world that their life sucks, but do they have to exaggerate it so much like their life is a sign of the end of the world?! OMFG MY LIFE SUCKS! I SEE DARK PAST AND... DARK FUTURE!!!

And what's worst about it is that they can't type English with correct grammar for life but they still tried to type in some random hideous word to emphasize their pain and torment. Something like;

"Dear blog,
My mom beat me up again today and it were malodorous. The pain, the pain."

Oh Emo kid, the only reason why I pity you is because you are such a big retarded drama-king. And I probably understand why your mom beat you up. It's probably because you got kicked out from school for not doing well--or should I say; EPIC FAIL?

If I were you, Emo kid, I would not waste my time slitting my wrists--I'd take a chain saw and chop it off!

And yes, being you sucks, Emo kid. I understand.

The "I'm So Smart" blog (a.k.a. Mary-Sue blog)

It exists, people. It does. These Mary-sue in real life are desperate of showing how talented they are through their blog.

I don't know about the international blogs because I'm not very familiar with it. As I said, my English is crap and I don't really enjoy reading blogs in English. But anyways, the INDONESIAN Mary-sue blog is TWICE as annoying as the INDONESIAN emo blog.

The first reason is because it is written in CRAP English just like the emo blog--but with better grammar and a wider variety of vocabulary to emphasize their talents.

What I hate about these blogs are they are so... unrealistic.

These people would probably think the comments left on their entries are stupid and they get offended easily when people tried to criticize them. They would also get pissed off if people point out their mistakes (such as in English).

I often find these blogs written in some sort of poetic structure for unknown reason that ended up making me puked for trying too hard to understand the meaning of just one paragraph. (And once, I've realized the meaning of the whole passage was simply; I am going to be very busy these weeks because I'm joining the Math Olympics--and yes, it took the whole entry to explain it.)

The Retarded Otaku blog

Now, don't get me wrong. I am completely fine "otaku blog". I am a big-time fan of Danny Choo. God, I love him so much I'd marry all his action figures. Oppai! Okay, not really. But you get the idea.

I'm talking about the retarded otakus. Or should I say; the retarded wanna-be INDONESIAN otaku who are desperate about going international to Japan.

Compared to the Emo blogs and the Mary-sue blogs, the Retarded Otaku blogs are the WORST.

They are using both crap English AND crap Japanese!

Every time I open this type of blog my eyes bleed seeing all those grammar mistakes mixed with KAWAII, BAKA, SUGOI!!! things.

Look, I am not saying I don't want to go to Japan. I also study Japanese. But I don't abuse the language like all these retarded wanna-be otakus did.

Seriously, if you want to speak in English, please stick to it. Don't butcher Japanese language and put random words from an anime into your sentence. It doesn't make you look smart in either English or Japanese. It doesn't make you look smart at all.

I bet if a Japanese happen to stumble into your blog and this Japanese understands English, he or she would either be puking or laughing their asses off. SRSLY.

I think that's all for this entry. I guess it is enough to kill my self.

And if you're going to criticize me for complaining about other Indonesians' crap English while I myself is an I an Indonesian with crap English, well at least I DO admit that my English sucks. Plus, this is the only entry that I've written in full English. I hope I won't be doing it again for a long time. Maybe.

Thanks for reading. Feel free the comment.

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Antara Peternakan dan Rumah Jagal

Well, lama ga update blog.

Yes I'm still alive. Kenapa ga update? Mmm... Curse me and my procrastination. ^^;;

Mulai besok mulai sekolah lagi. Udah ga bisa leha-leha lagi, hiks. Semua uda harus disiapin; buku, alat tulis, MENTAL, kolor, semuanya.

Not very excited about going to school, though...

Aku lebih excited soal kemungkinan aku pindah sekolah. Meskipun kemungkinannya masih 50-50 (ah, kapankah house family yang cocok akan memungutku? *berasa anak kucing di pinggir jalan meong-meong), tapi aku berusaha banget buat ningkatin kemungkinan itu.

Aku mungkin bakalan pindah ke Minnesota. Masih belum pasti juga, but let's pray I can go. :D

Now here's the real story:

Minggu lalu demi mengejar cita-citaku menuju negri Paman Sam (t'saah), aku ketemuan ama beberapa orang yang dari Amerika.

Satu namanya Vito, mantan anak ReCis yang pindah ke Ohio pas kelas 9. Mantep tuh anak. Lebih muda setahun dari aku uda nyongsor ke negri asing sendirian.

Nah yang kedua ini sekeluarga, temen ortu. Suaminya Indonesia, istrinya bule. Mereka uda lama tinggal di Los Angeles. Kebetulan lagi liburan.

Nah temen ortu ini punya anak namanya Mathew. Sumpah imut banget, masih tujuh tahun. Jarang-jarang aku demen bule gini. Shota. Baru tahu di amrik ada shota.

Dedeku uda kenalan duluan ama Mathew (najis kau dek, ngambil langkah duluan dari kakakmu. Pedekate sana ama naruto!). Tapi karena level Inggris Dinda yang masih beginner, dan level Indonesia Mathew yang sama dengan level si Sompret Sombeleketek, kesulitan komunikasipun terjadi.

Pada akhirnya yang lebih banyak ngobrol ama Mathew itu aku.

Awalnya sih pembicaraannya masih imut-imut dan lucu-lucu; ngomongin handball, sekolah Mathew, trus pengalaman liburan Mathew di Indonesia. Aku... sama sekali ga menemukan keganjilan di Mathew.

Mendadak muncullah seekor semut. Iya, semut. SEMUT, sodara-sodara.

Sebelum aku mengalami kejadian ini, aku ga akan pernah mikir kalau SEMUT itu bisa berpengaruh untuk perkembangan hubungan sosial.

Terjadilah dialog ini diantara aku dan Mathew.

Mathew: "Look an ant!"
Aku: "Ah, you like ants, Mathew?"
Mathew: "Yes. Indonesian ants are so big! I'd like to put them inside my ant farm."
Aku: "Ant farm?"
Mathew: "Yes, ant farm. I keep ants in my ant farm and takes care of them."
Aku: "Haha."
Mathew: "Yea, and they ALL DIED."


Sebenernya sih rada ga enak buat ngajarin bule, tapi aku beneran pengen bilang ke Mathew, "Aduh, bule... Itu mah bukan farm namanya! Itu namanya RUMAH JAGAL!"

Kasian banget nasib semut-semut itu... Tapi berkat seekor semut, aku sedikit bisa lebih waspada dengan Mathew ini.

Minggu, 06 Juli 2008

new fact

Kemarin chatting ama si Dodol yang uda buka komik Pandora. (Kusebut komik Pandora karena harusnya dia ga buka. I gave it to him so he could seal it away from the world--and, and... he OPENED it!!! It's his fault not mine!)

Anyway, ternyata Ern tuh pengamat juga. :P Pengamat ga jelas. Kemarin pas lagi chatting biasa, aku ngasih link ke Korean Supermodels yang cantik-cantik. Mendadak dia ngasih file aneh ke aku.

Pas kubuka... Well, nothing special sih. Tapi itu poto cewek gitu. Ketawan abis di manip-manip geje ga berskill *ditabok yang manip*

Pas kutanya kenapa ngasih poto itu dia jawabnya gini:

[22:56:56] FallenDreamL7 : You always show me photos with catagory...
[22:57:56] FallenDreamL7 : So I show you the better one...
[22:58:09] FallenDreamL7 : Alim donkk
[22:59:32] Kira-kira gitu deh : WHAT
[22:59:34] Kira-kira gitu deh : NO I DONT

Chat itu uda kupotong biar ga kepanjangan. Tapi ga ada yang kutambah-tambahin.

Emangnya aku lebih bokep dari cowok?!

Selasa, 01 Juli 2008


Dua blog posting dalam satu hari.

Kejadiannya baru beberapa menit yang lalu. Kira-kira jam 17:59

Seperti biasa aku lagi online-online aja. Chatting ama anak-anak ga jelas yang ga punya tujuan hidup, di rumah doang sambil ngomongin riwayat hidupnya Sadako.

Mendadak ayahku dateng n ngomong; "KAMPRET~~~"

iya. KAMPRET. K-A-M-P-R-E-T.


Reaksi pertamaku adalah; "BAPAKNYA DARI KAMPRET YA KAMPRET JUGA!" Eh bukan denk, bukan. *coret-coret*

Yang jelas aku WATDEFAK banget ngedenger itu. Baru pertama kalinya ayahku manggil aku begitu.

Emang sih dia uda sering ngasih nama panggilan aneh-aneh ke aku. Mulai dari kelinci, tikus, kucing, tikuk (entah apa ini) dan 'kaki' (karena kakiku panjang menurut dia).

Tapi, KAMPRET? Orang tua mana yang manggil anaknya 'KAMPRET'?!

Aku kira aku salah denger jadi aku coba pastiin lagi.

Aku: Yah, tadi ayah manggil aku apaan? Kampret?
Ayah: Iya, kampret.
Aku: Kampret?!
Ayah: Iya, kamu kan kayak kampret. Lucu...

Tarik nafas dalam-dalam, hembuskan.

Jadi KAMPRET itu PANGGILAN SAYANGku yang baru. Menggantikan kaki. KAMPRET.

Dari semua binatang yang ada di kebon binatang, kenapa KAMPRET? KENAPA?!



Well, sebenernya aku uda lama baca postingan Hinao yang ini tapi baru sekarang aku mau ngebahas lebih lanjut di blogku.

Pada dasarnya aku sangat setuju dengan pendapat Hinao. Maksudku, kenapa anak-anak sekarang seperti jadi korban trend?

Oke kalau kamu mau ngikutin trend. Bolehlah gaul. Tapi jangan malah jadi menekan anak-anak yang memutuskan untuk ga gaul. ^^;;

Salah satu bentuk 'gaul' sekarang itu aku lihat adalah penggunaan kata-kata kasar.

Oke, aku sering ngegunain itu tapi cuma ama orang-orang dekat doang atau kalau aku uda bener-bener ga nemuin kata-kata lain untuk ngejelasin kekesalanku (atau kalau aku lagi fangirling. And I don't fangirl in public, mmkay? I mean, not as much...)

Yang sering aku lihat sekarang itu di deviantART, misalnya, banyak orang-orang Indonesia nulis di journalnya dengan kata-kata kasar bahasa Inggris.

Dari judul journalnya aja uda; "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Okay, what? O_O; Not only that it is very incoherence, tapi juga ga enak buat diliat kan? Kapital semua pula.

Dan isi journalnya pun ternyata ga penting. Aku males copy-paste kesini karena kepanjangan. But the point is: tuh orang cuma pengen nulis kalau komputernya lagi error.

"My fucking computer is such a shit!!! D8"

...Learn some proper English for Gods Sake! *menangisi masa depan komunikasi Indonesia dengan dunia internasional*

Kadang-kadang isi journal ini juga cuma berisi keluhan soal pe-er. -__-;;

Usut punya usut, ternyata orang-orang nulis dengan kata-kata kasar untuk... ya itu tadi; buat keliatan gaul. Mending kalau buat ngelucu, ini buat gaul. Kalau buat ngelucu mah aku gapapa. -__-;;

Apakah ini ngebikin kamu keliatan gaul? Hell no, it makes you look like a retard who never know the existence of Dictionary. SRSLY.

Belum lagi kalau penggunaan kata-kata kasar itu digunakan dengan grammar yang jelek pula. Sering kali ini juga disertai oleh t0gGL3 tExT of doom.

"fUcK. . !! i jUz h8 2DaY . .!! eVerY1 iZ lYke sHIt. . .!!"

Urkh... Kalau ngeliat bikin eneg ga sih? Ini sih ga ada lucu-lucunya. -__-;;

Pengen deh nulis di komennya; "HAH? EVERYONE (TERMASUK GW) IS LIKE SHIT?! ELO TUH TAI!" Eh engga denk, salah. *coret-coret* Maksudku; "Sori, kayaknya mataku baru aja kena katarak abis baca jurnalmu. Plis tanggung jawab."

Mmm... Nuff bout the rantings. ^^;; Gimana menurut kalian?